Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday Meal Planning

This edition of "Monday Meal Planning" (now Tuesday -- yes, I know!) is focused on the easiest meals I can come up with. I have had a very bad cold and sinus headache, and cooking is the last thing on my mind. Here are some meals I came up with, mostly with items we have on hand, that even my husband can cook (with a little guidance!).

Tuesday - White chicken tortilla soup (all ingredients on hand)

Wednesday  -Spaghetti casserole (in freezer)

Thursday - Mexican pulled pork with veggies and tortillas

Friday - homemade pizza (my husband is an expert at this!)

Saturday - Chili with cornbread

Sunday - leftovers, we'll see when we get there!

Hopefully, by next Monday, I'll be back on track again!

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